Saturday, April 18, 2009

Quick Shout Out

Shout out to my 3 blog "followers," although I'm not exactly sure what that entails. 2 of them happen to be my parents... which is probably a clue-in to my social connections in the world. But hey! Happy to have them. A special shout out to the wonderful, beautiful Melissa Sandoval, with her super tips on Nicaraguan hot spots. Thanks Mel! In Leon & Nicaragua until tomorrow; hitting up the museums a little later to get a better perspective on the Sandinista/Somoza histoy. Nothing more, nothing less.

For a better world,



  1. Hi Jesse,

    I've been really bad with staying in touch lately -this i realised when i saw the amount of catching up i had to do with your blogs which i really enjoyed reading and hopefully will read more regularly. thanks for the link, i feel like im experiencing your travels too and i'm looking forward to the pictures. take care and keep writing, talk to you soon :)

    love, Sna

  2. hey that's really cool, you just made me smile! thank you jesse. i am confident you'll learn a bunch in leon.
